5 Reasons to Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants
A missing permanent tooth can affect your confidence, the way you look, and even how you talk. If you’re missing a permanent tooth, your dentist in Brandon and Riverview, FL, may suggest replacing it with a dental implant. There are many good reasons to consider replacing your missing tooth with a dental implant. In this article, we’ll go over five great reasons to get a dental implant to fill the gap in your mouth.
1. Dental Implants Last
When well maintained, dental implants can last a lifetime. They’re a permanent solution to a missing tooth.
2. Dental Implants Restore Your Smile
Dental implants fill the gap where your tooth used to be. This can help restore your smile and can even help restore your confidence after losing a tooth.
3. Dental Implants Help Protect Your Dental Health When You’re Missing a Permanent Tooth
The teeth in your mouth fit tightly against one another, each one helping to hold the other one in place. When a gap appears in your mouth, the other teeth in your mouth may shift slightly. This can affect your bite and overall dental health. Installing a new dental implant can prevent this from happening.
4. Dental Implants Look Natural
The crowns on your dental implants are custom-made for you, so they look beautiful and natural.
5. Dental Implants Function Like Real Teeth
Dental implants function like real teeth. You can use them to chew and talk just like real teeth.
Do you want more information about dental implants in Brandon and Riverview, FL? If so, call us today to make your first dental appointment. We can tell you if you’re a good candidate for dental implants.